My random addresses generator is back. After having my hand slapped by Google Maps, I’ve had to re-implement it using my own database of property sales. Because of that change, the addresses returned are only from England and Wales, but they will now always be actual addresses rather than the occasional A-Road that used to be returned. And you no longer need to provide a Google Maps API key, yay!
I’ve also removed a few other features which I’ll probably start adding back as time permits. Let me know if there’s anything you desperately need.
1 comment:
Great to see the random address generator back in action! Using a property sales database for accurate addresses from England and Wales is a smart move, especially without the need for a Google Maps API key. It’s super helpful for testing and fun projects.
If you're looking to explore another tool, check out Address Generator—it supports global random address generation with additional customization options. Keep up the great work, and looking forward to any new features you add back!
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