Monday, March 30, 2015

Cycling halfway round the world

In July 2012 I started to use Endomondo to track my bike rides. Since then some things have changed in my cycling, I’ve moved from a mountain bike to a road bike, I’ve tried cycling 100 miles in one day (only to be thwarted by the weather)and I’ve started using Strava, but I’ve continued to use Endomondo. And today I reached the milestone of getting halfway round the world.


Last year I covered almost 6,000 miles. If I can continue at that level, then in a just over a couple of years I will have completed my virtual trip round the world. If you want to encourage me, then you can sponsor me in this year’s Ride London 100

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Loading Google Maps asynchronously

Google’s PageSpeed keeps telling me I should load scripts asynchronously to improve the performance of my website. Now in an ideal world I’d use something like RequireJS to implement this for all my scripts, but frankly that seems like a bit of a big task and more than likely I’d stuff it up and break large chunks of my web site. So I thought I’d start small and just load up Google Maps asynchronously. Google provide an example of how to do this, but I wanted to encapsulate that in a simple reusable function with a callback function parameter to run after the library had loaded. This is what I came up with in TypeScript.

function loadGoogleMaps(libraries: string, callback: () => void) {

  window["initGM"] = () => {

  var script = document.createElement("script");
  script.type = "text/javascript";
  var url: string = "";
  if (libraries != null && libraries !== "") {
    url += "&libraries=" + libraries;
  script.src = url;

UK house price data February 2015

I’ve uploaded the latest Land Registry data to my site. Prices continue on their seemingly never ending upward march.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

A cross browser XML parser

A post from three years ago detailing how to implement selectSingleNode for XML documents in a cross-browser friendly manner is still getting a good number of hits. Which I guess shows that developers still need to manipulate XML in browsers, even with the increasing popularity of JSON. When we started to rewrite our desktop app on the web, JSON seemed like the obvious choice, but we use XPath in a big way and we wanted our web app to be compatible with our desktop app, so we stuck with XML, which meant having to deal with the different ways XML is supported in different browsers. So we now have a reasonably well featured cross browser XML parser, the source of which you’ll find below.

A couple of things to note, this probably works in IE8 and below but I’ve never tested it since our app needs at least IE9. Also, the code is TypeScript rather than Javascript, since TypeScript is slightly less insane…

// stop TypeScript complaining about stuff we don't have definitions for
interface Window {
declare var XPathResult;

class XmlWrapper {
  private xmlDoc: any;
  constructor(xml: string) {
    try {
      // try Internet Explorer first. Although later versions have DOMParser, they don't implement evaluate
      this.xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
      this.xmlDoc.async = false;
      this.xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
    } catch (ex) {
      if (window.DOMParser) {
        var parser = new DOMParser();
        this.xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
      } else {
        throw new Error("Can't find an XML parser!");

  public selectSingleElement(xmlNode, elementPath: string): Element {
    return <Element>this.selectSingleNode(xmlNode, elementPath);

  public selectSingleNode(xmlNode, elementPath: string): Node {
    if (xmlNode == null) {
      xmlNode = this.xmlDoc;

    if (this.xmlDoc.evaluate) {
      var doc = xmlNode.ownerDocument;
      if (doc == null) {
        doc = xmlNode;
      var nodes = doc.evaluate(elementPath, xmlNode, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
      var results = nodes.iterateNext();
      return results;
    } else {
      return xmlNode.selectSingleNode(elementPath);

  public selectElements(xmlNode, elementPath: string): Element[] {
    return <Element[]>this.selectNodes(xmlNode, elementPath);

  public selectNodes(xmlNode, elementPath: string): Node[] {
    if (xmlNode == null) {
      xmlNode = this.xmlDoc;

    if (this.xmlDoc.evaluate) {
      var doc = xmlNode.ownerDocument;
      if (doc == null) {
        doc = xmlNode;

      var resultsArray = [];
      var results = doc.evaluate(elementPath, xmlNode, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
      var thisElement = results.iterateNext();
      while (thisElement) {
        thisElement = results.iterateNext();

      return resultsArray;
    } else {
      return xmlNode.selectNodes(elementPath);

  get documentElement(): Element {
    return <Element>(this.xmlDoc.documentElement);

  public xml(): string {
    // for IE
    if (this.xmlDoc.documentElement.xml) {
      return this.xmlDoc.documentElement.xml;

    // Chrome, FireFox
    if (this.xmlDoc.documentElement.outerHTML) {
      return this.xmlDoc.documentElement.outerHTML;

    // Safari
    return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this.xmlDoc.documentElement);

  public static getNodeText(node: Node): string {
    if (node == null) {
      return "";

    var value: string = node.text;
    if (node.textContent) {
      value = node.textContent;

    return value;

  public static setNodeText(node: Node, value: string): void {
    if (node == null) {

    if (node.text !== undefined) {
      node.text = value;

    if (node.textContent !== undefined) {
      node.textContent = value;

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Google Earth Pro is kind of free

I was excited when Google announced Google Earth Pro was going to become free. A lot of geographical data comes in Shape files, but these aren’t usable in any free applications I know of and can’t really be used on the web without converting to something like KML first. But Google Earth Pro can load up Shape files and convert them to KML/KMZ.

Downloading isn’t a problem but getting hold of a key doesn’t seem to work as far as I can tell. Following the link to grab a free key just keeps redirecting to the download page. So I gave up in the end and grabbed an illicit key instead. Not sure of the legality of that, but if it’s meant to be free and I still need a key and Google won’t give me one, what choice did I have? Anyway a search for “google earth pro serial key or number” gave me a link to a site that produced a key I could use.