In my last post I showed how to get hold of the associated icon for a file. Now, say you want to get hold of the icon for the user’s default browser, you may think you can just grab the icon for HTML files and that’ll do the job. Whilst that will work for some users, it won’t work for all of them. The application used to open HTML files does not need to be the same application that is used to open websites. For example changing your default browser to Chrome won’t change the default application for HTML files to Chrome. So here’s an extension to that previous code to get the icon for the default browser. It won’t work for XP since the way default applications are handled has changed but it should work with all later OSes.
private static string GetDefaultBrowserPath() { const string userChoice = @"Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice"; using (RegistryKey userChoiceKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(userChoice)) { if (userChoiceKey != null) { object progIdValue = userChoiceKey.GetValue("Progid"); if (progIdValue != null) { string progId = progIdValue.ToString(); const string exeSuffix = ".exe"; string progIdPath = progId + @"\shell\open\command"; using (RegistryKey pathKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(progIdPath)) { if (pathKey != null) { string path = pathKey.GetValue(null).ToString().ToLower().Replace("\"", ""); if (!path.EndsWith(exeSuffix)) { path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf(exeSuffix, StringComparison.Ordinal) + exeSuffix.Length); } return path; } } } } } return null; } public static Icon GetDefaultBrowserLargeIcon() { string browserPath = GetDefaultBrowserPath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(browserPath)) return GetLargeIcon(browserPath); // last chance (probably XP), just grab the icon for HTML files return GetLargeIcon("test.html"); } public static Icon GetDefaultBrowserSmallIcon() { string browserPath = GetDefaultBrowserPath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(browserPath)) return GetSmallIcon(browserPath); // last chance (probably XP), just grab the icon for HTML files return GetSmallIcon("test.html"); }
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