See the intro to WF 4.0 at Watching at the moment and looks pretty cool. Fully declarative workflows, better designer, store workflow data in a proper queryable manner in the database.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Metastorm BPM 7.6 and Windows Workflow part 6 - state machines
This will almost certainly be my last post about executing Windows Workflows from Metastorm BPM as I think I've covered pretty much everything there is to cover (although leave a comment if there is something I've missed).
One of the comments from one of the previous posts was regarding state machine workflows and whether these could be executed from the Metastorm environment. So I knocked together a simple state machine workflow in Visual Studio that starts, waits in its initial state for 5 minutes then moves to the final state.
As discussed before, there is no support for publishing your own VS authored workflows to the Metastorm database so I modified the little command-line tool I wrote previously to cope with state machine workflows. For brevity I won't post all the source, just the change required, which is as follows.
for (int i=0; i<types.Length; i++) { if (types[i].IsSubclassOf(typeof(SequentialWorkflowActivity))) { workflowType = types[i]; break; } else if (types[i].IsSubclassOf(typeof(StateMachineWorkflowActivity))) { workflowType = types[i]; break; } }
So after publishing the workflow, I tried to execute it from Metastorm and it worked as expected. Cool.
The next test was to see what happened when I restarted the engine whilst a workflow was executing, since this caused problems with sequential workflows. I was expecting the same problem, since state machine workflows execute in the same way as sequential workflows. And I was correct in my supposition, the workflow never completed.
So in conclusion, state machines can be used in Metastorm but you'll need to hack the database. But WF in Metastorm won't be of use to you if you need to execute long running workflows. Which is a shame since this is probably the main purpose of WF.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Oracle on Windows - the most painful application ever
I'd been putting it off for as long as possible but I finally decided it was time for me to get the FreeFlow Administrator supporting Oracle as well SQL Server. Why did I put it off for so long? Because Oracle on Windows is horrible. I've never used it on Unix but I assume it must be better than the Windows version, or how have Oracle survived so long?
SQL Server just works, install it and you've got the database, management tools and drivers installed no problem. Try the same with Oracle and the first problem you've got is that the installer is some weird proprietary Java thing that doesn't behave like a normal Windows installer. Then you have to try and install ODBC and OLE DB drivers. My first installation attempt managed to destroy my database, the second time, after many Google searches, actually worked.
Another nice feature of the Oracle drivers for Windows is they seem to provide new versions every week that fix some bugs and introduce some other bugs, which all adds to the excitement. And how about this, an OLE DB driver is a 200MB download, WTF?
To be fair, some things have improved since my last foray into Oracle development. They now have a free version of their database, Oracle XE, which actually uses a proper MSI installer. They have a new admin tool, SQL Developer, which does make life easier. Of course it's Java based so the UI is dreadful and there doesn't seem to be a way to create a table space which seems like the first thing you'd want to do but it is a step in the right direction.
So what's the point of this post? None really, except I finally got it all working and I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. Perhaps that's why people use Oracle, because they feel like they've actually achieved something after just installing the damn thing.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Do you really need to use a CAPTCHA?
I am completely lazy so I've put up with the spam coming to me from the Random Pub Finder for a long while now. Eventually I realised the signal to noise ratio was so low that I was actually missing real people submitting pub suggestions so I decided I had to do something. Again due to my laziness my first attempt at fixing the problem was just to block submissions from the common IP addresses used by the bots trying to submit things. This helped but still stuff was getting through.
So I started to think about implementing a CAPTCHA system, but even though there seems to be at least one good PHP implementation out there, laziness again got the better of me. I remembered Coding Horror which has used a sort of CAPTCHA system for several years but the difference is that the image is always the same. And has been as long as I remember. So I must assume that it is reasonably effective, given it's a site that gets a lot of hits, so I thought I'd try out the same system on the Random Pub Finder, since it's dead simple to implement.
I've only just implemented it and it's working 100% so far. If it continues to work, then it suggests all these spammy form submissions are completed automated and there is no human behind them at all. Which then leads to the conclusion that a full-blown CAPTCHA is probably not necessary for most sites.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Recursively copy a folder in C#
Perhaps I need to RTFM but I couldn't find any methods in the .NET Framework to copy a folder and its contents to another location. So this is my attempt. I haven't thoroughly tested it but it should be a reasonable starting point and worked for my single test case.
private void CopyFolder(string sourceFolder, string outputFolder) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder); foreach (string file in files) { File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(outputFolder, Path.GetFileName(file)), true); } string[] folders = Directory.GetDirectories(sourceFolder); foreach (string folder in folders) { string[] splitFolders = folder.Split('\\'); string folderName = splitFolders[splitFolders.Length - 1]; CopyFolder(folder, Path.Combine(outputFolder, folderName)); } }
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Finding table and column references in SQL Server stored procedures
I keep needing to go off and search for this, so as a note to myself, here's the required SQL to find out where tables and columns are referenced in SQL Server stored procedures.
select * from information_schema.routines where routine_definition like '%tablename%'
I believe this only searches the first 4000 characters of the stored procedure, but this has generally been enough for my needs.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The risk premium
It looks like several hundred thousand people in the UK have discovered the meaning of the risk premium today. Whilst it's difficult not to have sympathy for all these people who have potentially lost money, it may help everybody else realise that no place is a completely safe haven for your savings and not all banks are made equal. So how to tell if a bank could be in difficulties? Well, firstly look at the rates they are prepared to pay to get hold of your savings. Banks don't offer higher rates because they are generous people who want to make you happy, it is fairly likely they are after your money because they need it because they are short of capital, which suggests they are more prone to fail. And that is the risk premium, you get a better interest rate because you're more likely to lose your money.
Another thing to look at is CDS spreads. Unfortunately these are difficult to get hold of unless you happen to have access to a Bloomberg terminal. Here's a list from about three weeks ago, a higher number means the market considers the bank to be higher risk. And as you can see, quite a few of the banks near the top of the list have already got into difficulty. It was this list (along with the failure of Glitnir) that made me pull my money out of Icesave (Landsbanski) a week ago. Phew.
Kazkommerts 1040
Glitnir Bank 950
Kaupthing 850
IKB 625
Wachovia Corp 572
VTB Bank 570
Landsbanki 550
Anglo Irish 485
Banca Italease 462
Capital One Bank 424
HBOS 327
Bank of Ireland 310
Allied Irish Banks 268
Citigroup Inc 264
Nationwide 230
Bank of America 201
Standard Chartered Bank 199
Natixis 192
JPMorgan Chase 191
Wells Fargo 188
UBS 183
Barclays 169
Erste 166.7
RBS 162
Raiffeisen 150.0
Fortis Bank 149
Danske Bank 138
ING 133
Credit Agricole 127
Credit Suisse 124
Lloyds 123
Societe Gen 122
ABN Amro 119
Dresdner 118
Santander 117
Deutsche 114
Commerzbank 111
Standard Life Bank Ltd 108
Unicredit 95.2
Nordea Bank 91
BNP 73
Svenska Handelsbanken 72.3
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Stuart's Stories
I reviewed Stuart Maconie's book about the North some time ago and now Visit England's North West are offering a free book called "Stuart's Stories", which contains some of his writings about the North West. I'm not sure if they are straight from the book or if this is new content, but either way it can't be bad for free can it?