Saturday, December 17, 2005

Not wanting to become a Google blog, but here are some more random thoughts on Google. How do I get my PageRank up? Probably one of the most asked questions around but there are a few things that confuse me. If it's all based on links to my site, why won't Google actually tell me about all of them? It seems to only tell me about a select few, even though I know there are more around. Why did the Random Pub Finder have a Page Rank of 3 but now it's 1, what did I do wrong? Why do other very similar pages have higher ranks even though they seem to have just as many links to them? Why does Google claim one of these sites has links from health sites when it clearly doesn't??? It's all very weird. Of course, Google Analytics tells me nobody is reading this anyway, other than somebody from the Department for Homeland Security...

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